Slow-Poke Law Not an Invitation to Speed

Recent legislation effective August 1, 2019 prohibits driving by a non-emergency vehicle in the left-most lane on a multi-lane road unless you are actively passing a vehicle or preparing to take a left turn or exit. An exception exists for when the left-most lane is designated for a specific type of traffic, such as the carpool lane. If none of the above apply to you, stay out of that left lane. If you do move to the left lane to pass someone, you should promptly move back into the right lane when it is safe to do so. Failure to do so may result in a $50 fine and a $75 surcharge, for a total cost of $125.

This law is designed to increase the flow of traffic on busy freeways and decrease accidents and road rage. This law is not, however, an invitation to speed. Posted speed limits remain in full force and effect. What drivers need to know about the slow-poke law is that the furthest left lane is a passing lane. Generally, if you are not passing a vehicle to the right and you are driving in the left lane, you are subject to a petty misdemeanor and the $125 fee outlined above. That being said, if you are speeding in the furthest left lane, you are not protected by this new legislation. This legislation is not a speed protection, it is essentially a merging law intended to prevent drivers from interrupting the lawful flow of traffic by camping out in the passing lane.

If you have questions about a citation you received under this new legislation, or any criminal matter, our reputable criminal law attorneys are here to help.

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