A typical personal injury trial can take anywhere from two or three days to a week or even more. There are a number of factors which determine the length of a personal injury trial. Keep in mind most personal injury trials are jury trials. The first day takes a considerable amount of time to select the jury. Once the jury has been selected (typically 6 people), the Plaintiff who is the injured party, and the Defendant who is the negligent party, present their opening statements to the jury. After the opening statements are complete, the Plaintiff presents their case first then the Defendant defends its case.
The more witnesses that are called to testify at a trial, the longer the trial will take. The most common witnesses who testify at a personal injury trial are the Plaintiff, the Defendant, individuals who saw the accident which caused the injury, doctors, and family members. After both parties have presented their case, each party presents their closing arguments. Once closing arguments are complete, the jury meets to deliberate and carefully consider the evidence. When the jury has reached a verdict, the Plaintiff and Defendant return to the Courtroom to hear their decision.
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