I like to say my very first private client was a lemur, a cute little animal who had been stranded in San Diego after flying from St. Louis to help propagate the species. When the airlines refused to fly him back to his home at the zoo, on behalf of “ZooAct” we launched the “The Live Animals Investigation” to reform the way that airlines handled pets and exotic animals. Since that time, my favorite line of work has been to handle cases that make government work better for people and their communities.
My work for commercial truck drivers with disabilities across the country dramatically reformed their rights to make a living. I’ve successfully advocated for relocation of the CapX power line out of the Avon Hills, and have successfully challenged the Sandpiper pipeline. My clients procured major changes in the Fargo flood diversion. In the Minnesota Supreme Court, a client advanced the rights of children abused in group homes; another client improved the relocation rights of homeowners taken by power lines. These days, I’m proud to be working for a group of citizens who seek to fix our broken school finance system.